You are hereBlogs / WcP.Observer's blog / Phenomenon. Unique fact: US Army, Navy, Airforce, Defense, Marine top donors -> Ron Paul; the rest: banks vs Cal/LawFirm/Harvard
Phenomenon. Unique fact: US Army, Navy, Airforce, Defense, Marine top donors -> Ron Paul; the rest: banks vs Cal/LawFirm/Harvard
2012 Election - each candidate has his top donors - who's who
Infographic: US Presidential Elections with Ron Paul
Albert Einstein: "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex...It takes a touch of genius...", and a lot of courage to be ideologically consistent over decades - Photos
*update* Oct 11, 2012 CNBC EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Ron Paul on NEW Online Show “FUTURES NOW” "one party system" vs "one man of Constitution" on necessary cuts to public spending that would avert a fiscal catastrophe - 12-term Congressman Dr. Ron Paul told CNBC’s Futures Now: "the foreign policy stays the same, the monetary policy stays the same, there’s no proposal for any real cuts and both parties support it", ... "they’re not going to allow all those terrible things to happen on January 1, but they’re not going to solve the problem either."
"Politicians Kiss Babies - Babies Kiss Ron Paul"
Ron Paul gets a hug from a teary-eyed fan.
*update* Oct 16, 2012 Phenomenon. "how cool - I don't know that I have EVER seen a baby kissing a politician" "Politicians Kiss Babies - Babies Kiss Ron Paul" Humor and cute photos
"magic libertarian powers"
Photos - Ron Paul and America's youth (music by Jason Paige)
*update* Oct 18, 2012 photos (a hug from a teary-eyed fan...)- Ron Paul given rock star treatment at UVU "Ron Paul received a robust welcome at Utah Valley University on Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012, drawing supportive chants, cheers and standing ovations from the audience..." "Peace is better than war. Free markets are better than socialism. Balanced budgets are better than spending," Paul said, "why do we lose this argument? It seems like it's so attractive."
*Update* Unique fact, never heard of - Oct 27, 2012 - Ron Paul/Judge Napolitano Now CERTIFIED Write-in Candidates in CA (Other States Too)
*Update* Unique fact: the young kids connected with a 77-year old doctor (as well a statesman)Nov 4, 2012 - Love and Politics: When Ron Paul came to Tampa, he brought with him the youngest delegation in the history of the Republican Party - they were college students, actors, teachers, techies, and hipsters. They were ordinary kids who had a dream that they could make a difference "Curiously, the last time I saw heartfelt passion in politics was at the Republican National Convention in August. One literally could not walk 20 feet in the convention center without spotting a Ron Paul button — on delegates, guests, even media. Strangers would break into grins and bear hug one another to the astonishment of wide-eyed neoconservatives, taken aback at how every other young person in attendance seemed to be a supporter of a 77-year old obstetrician from Lake Jackson, Texas. During the roll call of the states, cheers broke out throughout the hall..." “You have to give Ron Paul credit for bringing all these young people into the party.” "When Ron Paul came to Tampa, he brought with him the youngest delegation in the history of the Republican Party. They weren’t lawyers or political hacks or millionaires — they were college students, actors, teachers, techies, and hipsters. They were ordinary kids who had a dream that they could make a difference."
*Update* Unique fact
November 6, 2012 - Mercedes-Benz gave more to Ron Paul than they gave to any other candidate: $2,603 went to the gold-standard Texan. Daimler AG, known to you as Mercedes-Benz, donates money like my one weird friend. They gave more to Ron Paul than they gave to any other candidate. $2,603 went to the gold-standard Texan and $1,250 went to Romney. Obama got bupkis from M-B. Again, all of these donations came from individuals.
November 7, 2012 - Ron Paul played the role of king-maker, winning an astonishing 8 of 11 House endorsements Representative Ron Paul, a 12-term Texas congressman who is retiring in January, always said his campaign was about ideas instead of personalities. In making endorsements for the U.S. House of Representatives, the former obstetrician played the role of king-maker, winning an astonishing eight of 11 House endorsements.
November 8, 2012 - Ron Paul: College students understand my message Texas Rep. Ron Paul might be leaving Congress in January, but legions of young people who flock to his message about small government will still be hearing from their hero. The former Republican presidential candidate told Bloomberg Television on Thursday that he plans to continue visiting college campuses to preach his gospel of fiscal responsibility."
Photos courtesy Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Jim Young / Reuters, AP, Ron Paul Campaign, Scott Audette / Reuters, and Lew Rockwell: ‘Ron Paul deserves the Nobel Peace Prize’ (Video)

This shows how good is the person with the people, so he gathered so many hardcore fans including in kids. Those all are such an adorable pictures.
You are right and saying very true about these guys, these guys are really very different from normal people; I think they should take some step for united nation finance.
I always felt amazed how these politicians come to the society at the time of election, and forget all as soon as the election is over. For the election campaign, they will become most approachable person, but when it is over they will be busiest.
I totally agree with you friend. Because this is the hobby of politicians.">Cash by Phone
Imagine all this money coming for health issues or for feeding poor people or building shelters for dogs and cats..
What a waste of money! Do you agree?
One conclusion can be made - we'll see what wins - money or patriots.