You are heresustainable
Maldives cabinet meeting chaired by President, took place around table 16ft underwater, bubbles ascended from scuba masks
Asked what would happen if Copenhagen fails, the president said, "we are all going to die."
The Maldives government has made an eye-catching plea for climate change action by holding the world's first underwater cabinet meeting.
Politicians from the Indian Ocean island nation donned scuba gear this morning to send a message to world leaders ahead of December's UN climate change conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. The meeting, chaired by President Mohamed Nasheed, took place around a table about 16 feet (5 meters) underwater. Bubbles ascended from the face masks the president and the Cabinet wore, and fish swam around them. read more »
Merrier and freer on car-free days. "In town without my car!" European Mobility Week in over 2000 cities & towns
After the organization of two successful "In town without my car!" events in the whole of Europe, the year 2002 marked the start of a new initiative, the European Mobility Week! From 16 to 22 September 2009 the European Mobility Week was the opportunity for European cities and towns to participate to the most widespread event on sustainable mobility. A full week of events dedicated to sustainable mobility has been organized in more than 2000 cities and towns.
488 hrs of footage, shocking aerial shots - Earth depleted & destroyed fast & faster - docu film HOME'09 covers 50 nations
Faster & faster. In the last 50 years, massive depletion of Earth has been destroying a fragile balance in Nature, essential to life, putting all human beings in check: shall we act before too late to save Earth, home for all? ... Ice is melting, poles diminishing, sea level rising, Greenland fresh water pouring into the ocean & becoming salt water, severe draughts lingering, 1 out of 10 major rivers incapable of reaching the sea, 20% of Amazon deforested due to demand on soy manufacturing to feed livestock... What is the real terror threatening our home, depriving our children’s chance to survive? It is the destructive depletion of Earth that has been destroying our planet, faster & faster. Driven by Greed. Shall we act before too late to save Earth, home of all?
(click on image to see the documentary on Youtube)
Spend wise - Guardian to Purse; waste less - Angel to Earth. Poll: protecting the planet given priority over economy growth
"Do well by doing good." - Ben Franklin
"Spend wise - Guardian to Purse;
waste less - Angel to Earth." - LuCxeed
The power of the purse is the most democratic power of all. Global warming & great recession sees the rise of ethical consumerism.
Tribute to Verplanck Colvin, pioneer to protect Nature; David McClure: Forever Wild statute of 1885; & Wilderness Act of 1964...
"Unless the region be preserved essentially in its present wilderness condition, the ruthless burning and destruction of the forest will slowly, year after year, creep onward… and vast areas of naked rock, arid sand, and gravel will alone remain to receive the bounty of the clouds and be unable to retain it." - Verplanck Colvin, pioneer in environmental protection. The ‘Forever Wild’ Amendment was proposed by David McClure. This visionary accomplishment was the inspiration for those who drafted the 1964 Wilderness Act establishing the National Wilderness Preservation System.
Skip the plastic, save a fish. Texas-sized ocean garbage vortex found in Pacific, plastic sea trash doesn't biodegrade
Shocking gigantic sight of ocean debris is found in the Pacific. The Texas-sized Pacific Ocean garbage patch is a vortex formed by ocean currents & collects human-produced trash. Plastic sea trash doesn't biodegrade and often floats at the surface. Bottlecaps, bags and wrappers that end up in the ocean from the wind or through overflowing sewage systems can then drift thousands of miles. "Seeing that influence just floating out here in the middle of nowhere makes our power painfully obvious, and the consequences of the industrial age plain." Plastics have entangled birds and turned up in the bellies of fish, and one paper cited by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration estimates 100,000 marine mammals die trash-related deaths each year. read more »