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'One could change world w/ 140 chars'. Billions of voices are bricks building up Pyramid..HuffPost sold. Twitter also for sale?
Blame Stephen Fry. In Twitter the preening polymath found his true calling, sending out an ever changing and oddly riveting mix of self-promotion and stream of consciousness as he tweeted his every thought and photo. His thoughts on Boyzone singer Stephen Gately, a picture of a parrot, a call for charity in Sri Lanka, Stephen in a balloon hat, all mixed in with his Wildean wit: "Streets of London fantastically full of young people. Either it's half-term or truancy in this country is running wildly out of control." Millions came to watch, millions more joined in. You may scoff but we are all Stephen Fry now. read more »
"Brutality to an animal is cruelty to mankind". China bans all 300 animal circuses; zoos "stop abusing animals or be shut down"
"Brutality to an animal is cruelty to mankind - it is only the difference in the victim." ~ Alphonse de Lamartine
China announced a ban on animal circuses this week—all 300 state-owned ones of them. It's a huge step for animals, considering how they're treated at circuses—and in zoos—not only in China but around the world.
"In many circuses, wild and exotic animals are trained through the use of intimidation and physical abuse. Former circus employees have reported seeing animals beaten, whipped, poked with sharp objects and even burned to force them to learn their routines. Elephants who perform in circuses are often kept in chains for as long as 23 hours a day from the time they are babies." - read more »
Cartoon & Humor:"Food for Work" "Just in Canada for a Week" "EU Dominos: Irish bailout" "New Yorker stands up for Granny & kid"
The long-awaited rescue of Ireland has failed to calm nerves about the unsustainable levels of debt blighting many European countries. Leaders across the continent hope that the crisis that started in Athens will stop in Dublin and that there is no danger of Lisbon, Madrid or even Rome passing round the hat. read more »
Comedy superstars, Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert, sing to 215000 people on election eve: "More American Than You"
Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear: Jon and Stephen - "I'm More American Than You"
Jon and Stephen don American flag pullover fleece zip-ups and sing to decide who loves America more.
Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear: Press Conference - Internet Influence
Jon and Stephen talk about the joy they felt watching the crowd have fun and how Stephen was stuck in the capsule during the national anthem.
Crisis & solution: Japan cuts interest rates to zero; Italy & Greece receive stimulus package from China
Bank of Japan surprised the world by cutting it's already low-interest rates to effectively zero.
The Japanese central bank is trying to boost its weak economy by making it cheaper for its businesses and citizens to borrow. It also hopes that the low-interest rates will cause the value of its currency, the yen, which has been rising recently, up 12% in the past six months alone, to fall. A weaker yen could boost exports by making Japanese goods cheaper to foreigners. read more »