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Higher debt ceiling, steeper fiscal cliff. Uncle Sam "pause" at altitude of ~17 trillion..: for a soft landing or go up further?
*Update Oct 19 2013* - U.S. debt jumps a record $328 billion — tops $17 trillion for first time
Ryan Links Budget Impasse to Debt Ceiling Fight, suggested on Tuesday that the government shutdown may not be resolved for more than two weeks. That would come, he said, when the country reaches its debt limit.
WASHINGTON - Representative Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin, chairman of the House Budget Committee, suggested on Tuesday that the government shutdown may not be resolved for more than two weeks.
That would come, he said, when the country reaches its debt limit.
Noting that previous agreements over the budget had come together around the deadline when the country has reached its statutory borrowing limit, Mr. Ryan said, “We think that will be the forcing mechanism to bring the two parties together. Our goal and motivation here is to get a budget agreement.
Images courtesy CBS News and
Self-evident: privacy matters? "buzz" headlines: Lavabit, Silent Circle shut down; Gmail under fire; Dem leader: "disturbing"
Huffington Post - Lavabit Founder Ladar Levison On The Shutdown Of Email Service (LIVE VIDEO)
Washington Post - Lavabit, Silent Circle shut down e-mail: What alternatives are left?
Fox News - House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi called the latest reports "extremely disturbing."
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Real-life "Mr. Smith goes to Washington": history repeats in old school 13-hr filibuster, American tradition shakes the world
Newt Gingrich: Rand Paul is a Pioneer of The Future 3/7/13
A typical American tradition is shaking the world on March 6, 2013. Old school Filibuster, unheard of anywhere else in the world, well-portrayed in the famous movie “Mr. Smith goes to Washington” (starring the handsome James Stewart, added by Library of Congress to the United States National Film Registry for being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant").
Few do not know Jimmy Stewart as “Mr. Smith”, but no one would imagine such an old-fashioned filibuster was happening on Wednesday, March 6 – Senator Rand Paul held the floor for 12 hours 52 minutes, talking into midnight (official start time was 11:47am), simply to demand a direct answer to a direct question... Senator Paul: "at about 6:30 p.m., something extraordinary happened. Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), who has been recovering from a stroke, came to the floor to give me something. I was not allowed to drink anything but water or eat anything but the candy left in our Senate desks. But he brought me an apple and a thermos full of tea — the same sustenance Jimmy Stewart brought to the Senate floor in the movie 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.' That was a moment I will never forget." read more »
France: GM corn linked to cancer. EU bans 7 GM foods, battery cages, animal testing, seal imports, condemns whaling...
*update* Jan. 14, 2013 EU releases all data on GM corn linked to cancer Monday's move "aims to make data used in risk assessment publicly available," Geslain-Laneelle said, by promoting research and working with scientists.
*update* Siding with EU's ban on animal testing, Dec. 21 2012 Air Canada can refuse to ship monkeys for research
Seven Food Products Banned in Europe Still Available in the U.S.
1. Genetically Modified Foods
2. Stevia, the Natural Sweetener
3. Bovine Growth Hormone
4. Chlorinated Chickens
5. Food Contact Chemicals
6. Herbicides, Fungicides and Insecticides read more »
Canada's Pride: Liberty & Justice. Peace & willingness to serve citizens; guard Privacy vigorously, against misinformation...
*update* March 19, 2013 US magazine calls Stephen Harper an ‘exceptional leader’, praising his leadership, his foreign policy and his stewardship of the economy coming out of the 2008 recession. National Review: "Stephen Harper, Canada’s PM, 'Leader of the West', 'a very disciplined politician'"
*update* Marketwire: "Proud to stand up for honest, hard-working Canadians against thieves and criminals". March 11, 2013, Canada announced "Bill C-26, the Citizen's Arrest and Self-defence Act, has come into force", committed to keeping our streets and communities safe", for Canadians to protect themselves against criminal acts and "the justice system is behind them, not against them", said Minister Nicholson. "Those who have been the victim of a crime should not be re-victimized by the criminal justice system." Canada "will continue to stand up for law-abiding Canadians."
2012 election meets no challengers, though US is challenged by 16 trillion debt; what'd lead America leaping over fiscal cliff?
"2012 election meets no challengers, though US is challenged by 16 trillion debt; what'd lead America leaping over fiscal cliff?" - Editor
Nov. 07 2012 - Canada on alert as U.S. nears fiscal cliff Serious economic problems are threatening to bleed over the border from the United States into Canada in the wake of the presidential election. The Canadian economy is so dependent on the economic performance of the United States...
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