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Twitter's legacy. "Supreme excellence is simplicity". CEO @jack Dorsey: 140-char limit is "a beautiful constraint": it's staying
Longfellow once said,
"in character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity."
And Emerson stated,
"nothing is more simple than greatness; indeed, to be simple is to be great."
So, hard to disagree that the 140-character limit is Twitter’s signature, and Twitter’s legacy.
Twitter’s 140 characters - It’s staying. Jack Dorsey, CEO of Square and CEO of Twitter, speaks during an interview with CNBC following the IPO for Square Inc., on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange November 19, 2015.
Twitter Inc's 140-character tweets are here to stay, Chief Executive Jack Dorsey said on Friday, ending speculation that the microblogging site might abandon one of its trademark features for a 10,000-character limit.
"It's staying. It's a good constraint for us and it allows for of-the-moment brevity," Dorsey said on NBC's Today Show.
In January, technology news website Re/code reported that Twitter was building a new feature that would allow tweets as long as 10,000 characters.
Twitter has declined to comment on the feature directly. But Dorsey tweeted the day of the report that the company had seen more screenshots of text posted as a way to get around the 140-character limit. read more »
"THE sea! the open sea! / The blue, the fresh, the ever free!.../ oh, how I love to ride/ On the fierce, foaming, bursting tide"
Poem "The Sea"
THE sea! the sea! the open sea!
The blue, the fresh, the ever free!
Without a mark, without a bound,
It runneth the earth's wide regions round!
It plays with the clouds; it mocks the skies;
Or like a cradled creature lies.
I'm on the sea! I'm on the sea!
I am where I would ever be;
With the blue above, and the blue below,
And silence wheresoe'er I go;
If a storm should come and awake the deep,
What mater? I shall ride and sleep.
I love, oh, how I love to ride
On the fierce, foaming, bursting tide,
When every mad wave drowns the moon,
Or whistles aloft his tempest tune,
And tells how goeth the world below,
And why the sou'west blasts do blow.
I never was on the dull, tame shore,
But I loved the great sea more and more,
And backward flew to her billowy breast,
Like a bird that seeketh its mother's nest;
And a mother she was, and is, to me;
For I was born on the open sea!
The waves were white, and red the morn,
In the noisy hour when I was born;
And the whale it whistled, the porpoise rolled,
And the dolphins bared their backs of gold;
And never was heard such an outcy wild
As welcomed to life the ocean's child!
I've lived since then, in calm and strife,
Full fifty summers, a sailor's life,
With wealth to spend and a power to range,
But never have sought nor sighed for change;
And Death, whenever he comes to me,
Shall come on the wild, unbounded sea!
~ Barry Cornwall (Bryan Waller Procter)
Aviator wwii hero 'Winkle' Brown flew 14 version of Spitfire, 1st to land on carrier, escaped 11crashes, survived torpedo attack
Captain Eric 'Winkle' Brown discusses Luftwaffe Aircraft - Published on Apr 23, 2014
Readers' comments -
"A great man he was the Last of a rare breed"
"Capt.Brown, a classic sort of guy"
"An amazing man. Superb achievements in pretty much every aspect of his career."
"Thanks for the video. It is good to see the Pilots telling their stories in what they did in the second world war. The real warriors of the sky and the planes they fly."
Vedio: Capt. Eric 'Winkle' Brown: the first Mosquito carrier deck landing, Published on Jul 16, 2015
In March 1944 the De Havilland Mosquito undertook carrier deck landing trials on HMS Indefatigable in the Irish Sea, giving the then Lieut. Brown the chance to make the first deck landing of a British heavy twin-engine aircraft. In this video the Patron of The People's Mosquito talks about the aircraft and the challenges he faced when presented with the task of landing it on deck.
Reader's comment: "Capt Eric 'Winkle' Brown truly is one of the finest examples of the Greatest Generation. What an honour to watch this video."
(quote) read more »
Blessed test pilot legend Eric Brown flew 487 types of aircraft, piloted 2,407 aircraft carrier landings (no computer aid)
Captain Eric Brown was friends with astronaut Neil Armstrong
Update with BBC vedio: "Story of Captain Winkle Brown"
Readers' comments:
"Bow in Respect!! I kept Saluting him during the Documentary. Blessing!!!"
"What a human being, RIP Captain Brown. A true Scots old school hero."
"He is probably the greatest man that I ever heard about. R.I.P Mr Eric Brown:')"
"An interviewer once said he made James Bond seem boring. RIP great man."
"Will we ever know the FULL story, I wonder? What an astonishing man, what an astonishing career. I salute you, Sir. RIP."
"Would love to meet this gentleman. The word hero is overused but in this case it's spot on?"
"I had some friends from Scotland when I attended Arizona State University. They were fearless rugby players. Captain Brown is a true Scot. Best pilot, and one of the greatest humans the world has ever known. Honest and true. God bless you Sir!!!"
Pilot Eric "Winkle" Brown holds two of the most startling records from the world of flying. He has flown 487 different types of aircraft. Today's test pilots average fewer than 100 flights. "Over 50 is deemed a large number. We can't imagine in this day and age how dangerous his job was." Captain Brown has piloted 2,407 aircraft carrier landings. That's just a part of his extraordinary life. Brown's exploits run through some of the most momentous events of world history. He was at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, he interrogated Hermann Goering, helped liberate the Belsen concentration camp and by chance managed to sing with the Glenn Miller band. read more »
"Affairs are easier of entrance than of exit; and it is but common prudence to see our way out before we venture in." - Aesop
"A prudent question is one half of wisdom."
- Francis Bacon Sr. (English Philosopher)
"Affairs are easier of entrance than of exit; and it is but common prudence to see our way out before we venture in."
- Aesop (Ancient Greek fabulist)
"No better relation than a prudent and faithful Friend."
- Benjamin Franklin (American Statesman, Scientist, Philosopher, Printer, Writer and Inventor)
Tree, oxygen, fruit. Feed belly, lung, brain cell to produce less madness: content with simple Nature's Law? You're a happy man!
2016 ~ Year of Tree
How wonderful!
7 billion people plant or rescue
7 billion trees -
Earth will be greener
air fresher, neighbourhood prettier
Everywhere bloom magic flowers
we will be healthier
and surely happier
in a new year, Year of Tree
Great mind: George Lucas, father of Star Wars, gives $4bil to education; 22yo student hero stopped campus shooting awarded medal
George Lucas, father of "Star Wars", is a pioneering filmmaker who redefined how films are made. Lucas wanted to make a movie that would teach children the central ethic of right and wrong, good and evil. “I want[ed] to see if I can bend their lives at a particular point in time when they’re very vulnerable,” he recalls, “and give them the things that we’ve always given kids throughout history. The last time we had done it was with the Western. And once the Western was gone, there was no vehicle to say, ‘You don’t shoot people in the back’ and such.”
He’ll receive a Kennedy Center Honor this weekend for his blockbuster work in movies and film technology, but he’s quick to point out that he’s the only recipient this year who isn’t technically a performer. The Honors are being held a mere 12 days before the intensely anticipated release of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” the saga’s seventh episode. Harrison Ford said: “George has been amazing to me. He’s been the author of the early chapters of my life and given me the opportunity to have a really extraordinary life.” read more »