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Disney to launch new streaming service called Disney+ and pull content from Netflix in 2019
Disney's new Netflix rival will be called Disney+ and launch late 2019
Disney's new streaming service, Disney+, will be a home for its past titles and original series, including new content from the Marvel and Star Wars franchises.
The company will pull its content from Netflix in 2019.
Photo courtesy CNBC
10000 mile chase of world most notorious poaching vessel "Thunder". Sea Shepherd's 110day " Ocean Warriors: Chasing the Thunder"
Ocean Warriors: Chasing the Thunder is a Vulcan Productions high-seas documentary about the Sea Shepherd’s epic 110-day, 10,000-mile chase of the "Thunder," considered the world’s most notorious poaching vessel. Across two seas and three oceans, the marine activists hunted the fugitive fishing ship through massive ice floes, storms-tossed seas, a near collision and violent clashes until the Thunder dramatically sank, burying the evidence of its crimes on the bottom of the South Atlantic.
The chase of the Thunder started in the "Shadowlands", the ice fields of the Southern Ocean, and lasted 110 days. From beginning to end it was a harrowing journey. Captain Peter Hammarstedt and his team faced daunting odds but surged forward.
Captain Sid Chakravarty, Captain Hammarstedt and the rest of the crew have worked aboard the Sea Shepherd to fight illegal fishing and help save our ocean’s wildlife. "For the past 10 years, Sea Shepherd has been defending whales in the Southern Ocean," said Hammarstedt. "This year we’re defending Patagonian and Antarctic toothfish." Toothfish are coveted by poachers because they are known as Chilean Sea Bass in restaurants throughout the north. They are flaky, delicious and very expensive. "The fact that these fish live in the most remote waters in the world makes these poachers feel like they can get away with anything," said Chakravarty. Captain Chakravarty ultimately joined the mission with his additional Sea Shepherd vessel. read more »
Bravo! People love it - the last Blockbuster store in US stands strong after 9000 stores (employed 84,000) quit
There is only one Blockbuster still surviving in the entire United States. Employees mourn the closure by leaving candles outside the store: Alaska’s last two Blockbuster video rental stores are closing this weekend -- leaving only one Blockbuster store open in the United States. 7/13/2018 Alaska’s last two Blockbuster stores — community gathering spots and nostalgic tourist attractions that got a big plug from HBO’s John Oliver — are shuttering. That leaves just one of the once ubiquitous video rental hub open in the entire U.S. The franchises in Anchorage and Fairbanks will close for rentals after Sunday night and reopen Tuesday for video liquidation sales through the end of August, said Kevin Daymude, general manager of Blockbuster Alaska.
7/18/2018 "Making the trek to this "last standing" Blockbuster Video Store is a must do!" (Yelp review)
Oh my how the blue and yellow Blockbuster Video Storefront has changed since 2004 when there were 9,000 Blockbuster outlets. By 2013, all corporate-owned stores closed and fast forward to July 18, 2018 -- this family-owned Bend, Oregon store has earned the distinction as the last Blockbuster in operation since the two remaining Alaska stores closed their doors this week. read more »
2018. First print release: One Step Wiser - World Culture Pictorial Online Journal Vol. 01, 02, 03, and 04
Step by step, into tomorrow. And so much to learn from yesterday.
2008-2018. 10-year journey of reflection. Cosmos is grand, comprehensive reading is twin to broad vision. Thus, World Culture Pictorial® Journal Collection - from poetry to policy, high tech to legends, endless wrestling of global powers... Cutting humour, rich content, exquisite art images, top quality press - one-of-a-kind book will draw you in.
An unique feature of WcP Journal Collection (192-page Volume 1, 196-page Volume 2, 170-page Volume 3, 190-page Volume 4) is to bring classic poems into technology-driven life. Classic poets found their philosophy in Nature (Lord Tennyson: "a half-glance upon the sky," Lewis Carroll: "great solitude"), and lived with passion (Lord Byron: "though I cannot be beloved, still let me love ").
Enjoy reading phenomena beyond horizon?
This uncommon WcP journal collection is for you!
First print 2018, top quality full-color press.
Available via Barnes & Noble, Amazon and other book stores, or buy direct with discount..
Queen bans plastic. Man made pollution and it bites back: seafood eaters ingest 11,000 pieces of microplastic each year
Queen Elizabeth II is banning plastic straws and bottles across the royal estates.
The Telegraph reported that the monarch is behind Buckingham Palace's plans to phase out single-use plastics from public cafes, royal residences and staff dining rooms. Royal caterers will instead use china plates and glasses or recyclable paper cups. Takeaway food from the Royal Collection cafes must be made of compostable or biodegradable packaging.
British lawmakers are also urging for more action to fight plastic pollution. A ban on microbeads came into force in Britain last month. In 2015, a 5p (5 British pennies) fee was introduced on plastic carrier bags, which led to 9 billion fewer bags being used. Many businesses in the UK are getting on board with cutting out plastics. Starbucks recently introduced a 5p disposable cup charge in 20 to 25 central London outlets to encourage customers to switch to reusable cups. And Iceland Foods, a major UK supermarket chain specializing in frozen food, announced that it will eliminate plastic packaging from its own brand of products by the end of 2023.
The Queen was reportedly inspired to take action after working with famed naturalist Sir David Attenborough on a conservation documentary about wildlife in the Commonwealth. Attenborough's "Blue Planet II" documentary that aired last year highlighted the devastating effects of plastic on our oceans and marine life.
The Queen declares war on plastic after David Attenborough documentary read more »
"Two Steps Wiser" ebook release to celebrate a wonderful New Year: a very happy 2017 to all!
*NEW release*
Two Steps Wiser - World Culture Pictorial Online Journal Vol. 02
by Dean Goodluck
Available via Apple iBookstore/iTunes and Kobo eBooks.
Happy New Year!
*One Step Wiser* - World Culture Pictorial Online Journal
*NEW releases*
One Step Wiser - World Culture Pictorial Online Journal Vol. 01
by Dean Goodluck
Two Steps Wiser - World Culture Pictorial Online Journal Vol. 02
by Dean Goodluck
*NEW releases*
Three Steps Wiser - World Culture Pictorial Online Journal Vol. 03
by Dean Goodluck
Four Steps Wiser - World Culture Pictorial Online Journal Vol. 04
by Dean Goodluck
From the publisher -
World Cultural Pictorial®'s online journey took its very first step on Earth Day, 2008 (Vol. 1-4: Apr-Dec'08). Universe is infinite, comprehensive reading is twin to broad vision. Thus the journal collections is filled with random thoughts, humor and art - from poetry to policy, from food to high tech, from floating city to cosmic smash-up, to endless wrestling of global powers... Fun to read tons of readers' comments.