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A human being is a part of a whole, called by us 'universe'..separated from the rest.. optical delusion..kind of prison for us
A human being is a part of a whole, called by us 'universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
"Good-Night" by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Good-night? ah! no; the hour is ill
Which severs those it should unite;
Let us remain together still,
Then it will be good night.
How can I call the lone night good,
Though thy sweet wishes wing its flight?
Be it not said, thought, understood --
Then it will be -- good night.
To hearts which near each other move
From evening close to morning light,
The night is good; because, my love,
They never say good-night.
- Good-Night
poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Nature's Wonder. Ox born ahead of Valentine's Day with heart-shaped birthmark, faithful geese couple, baby zebra & mother
A pair of Andean geese, George and Mildred, smooching like young Valentines despite being together for eight years and rearing 40 goslings.
The ox 'Heart', having a heart-shaped marking on his forehead, relaxes at Yamakun Farm in Yokohama, Japan. Born in the year of the ox and ahead of Valentine's Day, the ox has drawn attention from around the country.
The baby Grant's zebra was born on Jan. 26 and is Peru's fourth ever born in captivity as part of a preservation program. The foal's name will be chosen in a special competition
the First Kiss / of love, prime of romance / the blaze of ever-sweet bliss / chuckles from the top of Everest
Chuckles from the Top of Everest
by LuCxeed
Love delivers kisses aplenty
so does lust or affection
so does scheme or infatuation
so does courtesy or flirtation
Among the plenty, the First Kiss
of love, prime of romance
crowned with a diamond crown
in the blaze of ever-sweet bliss
chuckles from the top of Everest
laughing at the rest
of romance fled
as Daylight brooms the bedroom
From pages 19 & 20 of the book: Love’s Footsteps ~ dedicated to a Bridge for Wisdom to Walk on
Poet in solitude. Voice out of silence. "Love's Footsteps ~dedicated to a Bridge for Wisdom to Walk on" by LuCxeed
"Love speaks for Romance, Love speaks more for Compassion." New book release. A gift, inspirational & motivational
Poet in solitude. Voice out of silence.
Journey after journey, over decades, along a lonely path
filled with perilous adventures and distinct accomplishments
paralleling constant pondering in various schools of thought.
the poems are wide-ranging in topics,
many inspired by true events, by true stories
while alongside, photographs and art, by nature.
Poet in solitude.
Voice out of silence.
For years, LuCxeed has led a mostly solitary
existence, dedicating life and passion to thought,
paying homage to philosophy & poetry, photography & art.
In equanimity, and more than often, the poet travels
back and forth, between West and East,
back and forth, between nature and society.
Journey after journey, over decades, along a lonely path
filled with perilous adventures and distinct accomplishments
paralleling constant pondering in various schools of thought.
Thus, the poems are
wide-ranging in topics,
many inspired by true events, by true stories while
alongside, photographs and art, by nature.
Poetry from life is presented to Life - the release of
more than 100 poems in five books by LuCxeed,
inviting readers to enjoy Poem in Art, Poetry in Gallery,
voice and visual art under one roof. Each page read more »