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This is Chile, Part II - "Poet's Pacific paradise: Pablo Neruda’s homes in Chile", "there's a little bit of traffic"
“Poet's Pacific paradise: Pablo Neruda’s homes in Chile”
“There's a little bit of traffic”
Photo courtesy (via @guardian) and (via el_jose_patagonia | IG)
This is Chile, Part I - "the path that everyone wants to discover", "there is art in nature"
“The path that everyone wants to discover”
“There is art in nature”
Photo courtesy (via heather.photog | IG) and (via alex_pinilla_photos | IG)
The World's Most Beautiful Libraries - new book from Italian photographer's travels around the globe
Stiftsbibliothek Kremsmu¨nster, Kremsmu¨nster, Austria
This monastery library was built between 1680 and 1689 and contains about 160,000 volumes
Biblioteca Statale Oratoriana dei Girolamini, Naples, Italy
The oldest library in Naples which has been open to the public since 1566
Real Gabinete Portugue^s de Leitura, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
This institution was founded in 1837 by a group of Portuguese immigrants to promote culture amongst the Portuguese community
Stiftsbibliothek Sankt Gallen, St Gallen, Switzerland
The oldest library in Switzerland is also one of the earliest and most important monastic libraries in the world
Strahovska´ Knihovna, Prague, Czech Republic
The library boasts two grand baroque halls but visitors are unable to go inside them: it was found that fluctuations in humidity could affect the paintings
In a new Taschen book, the Italian photographer Massimo Listri travels around the world to some of the oldest libraries, revealing a treasure trove of unique and imaginative architecture read more »
Incredible photos: majestic swan family of nine at sunrise; "Born To Explore" producer and host participates in a swan rescue
As the sun rises through the mist, a pair of swans and their seven cygnets glide majestically along in a scene that evokes the end of the hottest summer on record.
The stunning photograph was taken by James MacDonald on his smartphone when he spotted the birds’ stately, single file procession during a morning run in Bushy Park, south-west London.
Mr MacDonald, 40, a mapmaker for DK Travel guides who lives near the park, said: ‘They were on the move along an inlet from a small pond to a larger lake. I’d seen swans with their young in the park earlier in the year, when the parents are still very protective and won’t let you get near, so it was nice to be able to get close enough to take a picture of these now they are bigger.’
Richard Martin-Barton, of forecasters MeteoGroup, said: ‘It will feel a little bit Mediterranean, thanks to slightly warmer air moving in from Northern Spain. But it’s going to be a case of enjoy it while you can if you live in south-east England because – by the middle of next week – they will see the cooler, wetter conditions the rest of the country will be having.’
Emmy-winning 'Born To Explore' shares passion for adventure
Richard Wiese travels to Windsor, England to participate in a swan rescue for an episode of the Westport-produced travel program, "Born To Explore." The program, which airs Saturdays on ABC, recently took home an Emmy Award for Outstanding Achievement in Single Camera Photography. read more »
Bloemencorso - Dutch annual flower parade celebrates end of long winter, brightens cities with colorful flower sculptures
Bloemencorso is a Dutch word meaning "flower parade." In the springtime, usually from about mid to late-April, you will find 2018 Netherlands flower parades towns, villages, and regions throughout the country. Neighboring Belgium celebrates the end of the long winter in a similar way. "Bloemen" means flower, and "corso" means parade, and these celebrations feature the flowers for which the Low Countries, particularly Holland, are so famous. While spring is the prime flower viewing time, the Low Countries grow and import many other flower varieties, and the parades occur periodically through about mid-September.
The first Bloemencorso in Holland coincides with the glorious flowering of a number of different bulb flowers - hyacinth and daffodils, lilies, narcissus, dahlias, and caladiums. But it is the tulip that is most prominently featured. All of these flowers can be viewed at in magnificent cultivated landscapes at beautiful Keukenhof Gardens, located about halfway between Amsterdam and The Hague. The bulb growing area (Bollenstreek) provides the oldest and most famous 2018 Netherlands flower parade mid-April. It winds its way from Noordwijk to Haarlem, a distance of about 25 miles, and passes Keukenhof Gardens in the late afternoon. Visitors to the gardens are allowed to leave the grounds as the parade passes and re-enter afterwards without paying an additional admission.
(unquote) read more »
Photo: bubbles trapped in the Ice in Abraham Lake, Alberta, Canada
Abraham Lake is an artificial lake on North Saskatchewan River in western Alberta, Canada, created in 1972, with the construction of the Bighorn Dam. It was named for Silas Abraham, an inhabitant of the Saskatchewan River valley in the nineteenth century. Although man-made, the lake has the blue color of other glacial lakes in the Rocky Mountains, which is caused by rock flour as in other glacial lakes.
Image courtesy @iLikePics_Daily
On this Mother's Day. Glowing flowers and most beautiful turtle
Sea Turtle photo courtesy Fargioneorazio / @iLikePics_Daily